Maggiore visibilità per il nostro lavoro: le regole sono semplici. Accettare il credito che le altre persone ci fanno per il nostro lavoro, accettarlo e non sminuirlo. Imparare a parlare di più di noi e di quello che facciamo. Fare in modo che siano gli altri a parlare bene di noi e infine, il più importante, fare rete! Lo diciamo sempre e lo pratichiamo, ma gli altri a volte se ne dimenticano.
Ci viene qualche altra idea?
How To Gain Visibility At Work
(By Laura Browne)
One of the biggest mistakes I see women make is to quietly work hard while other people get recognized for their accomplishments. You may think that your work speaks for itself, but successful people know that visibility is absolutely necessary in the corporate world.
If no one except your immediate boss knows what you are doing, you may get overlooked for promotions or important assignments. Imagine that the executives in your area are having a meeting and are trying to decide who will work on an exciting new project. Would anyone in the meeting bring up your name? Do any of the key people know who you are and what you've accomplished? If the answer is no, you need to work on gaining more visibility.
Even if your boss is in the meeting and suggests that you would be great for the project, it's usually not enough. The rest of the group needs to agree. So if your boss recommends you, how would the group respond? If people know you and your reputation, they might agree. But what if you've been working so hard that you've had no time to promote yourself and your accomplishments? When your name is suggested, do the executives ask, "Who?"
Here are 4 quick tips for getting more visibility in your organization.
Accept credit for what you do. When someone thanks you for a good job, what do you say? Do you typically respond, "It was nothing." If so, it's time to start taking credit for your accomplishments. A much better response, is "Thank you. I put a lot of work into
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